How To Connect With Your Intuition And Focus On Your Path With Natalie Boyatt And Susan Widen

You Are YOU, Unapologetically | Natalie Boyatt and Susan Widen | Intuition


Connecting with our intuition can sometimes feel like a mystical concept, but at its core, it’s about trusting that inner voice. Our intuition guides us through tough decisions, tells us when something doesn’t feel right, and nudges us toward what makes us feel fulfilled. However, many of us struggle with doubt, overthinking, and pressure from societal expectations. So today, we’ll explore how to silence that doubt, listen to that inner voice, and stay focused on our unique path.

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How To Connect With Your Intuition And Focus On Your Path With Natalie Boyatt And Susan Widen

Connecting With Our Intuition

Welcome, everyone. Welcome back to the show. As always, it’s an honor to have you all joining us. Thank you. I’m grateful for each and every one of you who took the time out to tune in to our show. I love you for it. You guys know that we do things differently. Starting with this episode, we are doing something entirely different from before. Remember, we’d have a variety of topics. We would invite a diversity of guests to discuss the same topics for about 4, 5, or 6 episodes for a 60-minute episode. We call those series as well.

We will shorten the discussion to only two guests so that we can touch more on topics than we did before. That’s what’s new. In our new format, our guests will each speak for about twenty minutes, again, shortening the episode, but giving you explosive value. We’re diving in deep into something that has the power to change your life, connecting with your intuition and following your unique path, no matter what others might think. That’s what we’re talking about. This episode is all about you bracing who you are, tuning out external noise, and aligning yourself with your deepest truth.

It’s time to live authentically and unapologetically. Connecting with our intuition can sometimes feel like a mystical concept, but at its core, it’s about trusting that inner voice, your inner voice. Our intuition guides us through tough decisions. It tells us when something doesn’t feel right and it nudges us towards what makes us feel fulfilled. However, many of us struggle with doubt, overthinking, and pressure from societal expectations. We will explore how to silence that doubt, how to listen to the inner voice, your inner voice, and stay focused on your unique path.

Why is this important? Here’s why, being in tune with your intuition can help you avoid paths that aren’t meant for you. It will create space for opportunities and ultimately lead to a more aligned and fulfilling life. That’s why. Not only that, it’s the ultimate form of empowerment, being confident in your choices, even when they are different from what you expected or what others expect of you, even yourself.

I’ll be speaking with two guests, two amazing women who have mastered this art and they’re here to share their wisdom on how you can start living this way too. I used to struggle. I struggled with falling my gut, especially when the world around me, my community, my family, and the world seemed to be pulling me in multiple directions. Once I learned how to lean into my intuition, the results were remarkable. More clarity, more peace, and the strongest sense of self, a sense of who I am. If you ever find yourself lost or confused, unclear of your next step or about your life, this episode is for you.

We have two incredible, amazing guests who are going to speak about the topic today. Both of them have charted their own path in ways that are not only inspiring but deeply intuitive. They’ve turned inward to find the answers they were searching for and are now living unapologetically aligned with who they are at the core. Our first guest is the creator and CEO of Bevee.

She is the CEO of Bevee and the creator of a premium drinkware brand. In 2015, as a single mom, needing to work to live, she took a job in the pharmaceutical sales industry. After two months on the job, a ten-drink order for one of her offices would change her life forever. The hassle and waste associated with flimsy cardboard drink carriers propelled her to find a better solution. When she couldn’t find one, she created one, and so began the eight-year journey of product creation.

The company officially launched in 2023 with the original twelve-cup drink carrier that features two utility patents that can be carried with one hand and folded for easy storage. It is the only carrier that can be branded with custom logos. Within three months of launching, Amazon corporate approached our guests to offer them invitation-only custom onboarding on their storefront. A month after launching, Amazon influencers began to organically find the product and within six months, Bevee had wrapped over 20 million views.

The Six-Cup is currently in production and set for a holiday 2024 release with a pre-sale campaign currently running. Five additional products will be slated on a revolving six-month cycle. Additionally, after spending countless times and money going down dirt roads, encountering some dead ends, and discovering some incredible winds, our guest decided to use all of this knowledge to help others gain the know-how and courage to scale the product creation mountain. Her book, Pivot and Persevere, has launched on Amazon.

It is a granular guidebook on product creation from $1. Bevee and our guests’ mission is to help others live their best lives and to offer a hand to help those just beginning on their journey. She mastered the art of trusting her intuition and is here to share how she has stayed true to herself while navigating a world full of distractions. Please help me to welcome Natalie Boyatt of Bevee to the show.

Thank you, Natalie, for being here. I appreciate you being here. Thank you for saying yes. You guys who are tuning in, her yes came at short notice. I am truly grateful. Before I let you give some juicy nuggets and start sharing all of your amazing self, I would like you to share with our audience how we met because our audience knows I love meeting people. Please share.

Kim, thank you so much for having me. I’m going to have you introduce me every time. I had the pleasure of running into you, meeting you, and bonding with you at the WBC Capitol Summit last week in New York City. I think you are an incredible woman. I feel honored to know you and honored to be a part of this show as well. Thank you so much.

You’re welcome. That’s our story. We’re sticking with it a week ago. That’s what I’m saying. When you can connect with authentic people, they show up being real. They show up being themselves. Let’s jump right into our discussion. We all know that there is no shortage of people with a personal story or challenges in life. We know that. We also know that life happens every day. With that being said, Natalie, please share with us. Can you tell us a bit about a time when you felt disconnected from your intuition and how you found your way back to it?

As far as my journey and my story go, the thing with intuition is that people get confused and think that intuition is about the ego, your brain, and your headspace. Intuition comes from your spirit. It comes from your soul. It comes from who you are and sometimes that information gets blurred and gets confused, especially when you have outside influences coming at you and constantly telling you, you should be doing this. This should be what you’re doing. This is not what you’re doing.

For me, I would say the biggest one in my life was my entire life. I was a single mom and needed to work to live. Even though, I knew in my heart I was an entrepreneur and I knew in my heart I wanted to create. I’ve been doing this my whole life but that doesn’t always pay bills. I did take a job in corporate and I will never forget that everyone around me was telling me, “You’re doing the right thing.”

Everyone had an opinion about the person I was dating or who I should be dating or everyone had an opinion about how I should raise my daughter. I can remember lying in my bed, in 2019, unhappy. I was so sad. I was so dissatisfied with the life that I was creating for myself and that this was going to be the experience that I was going to look back on, even though I knew in my heart and everything about me inside said, “You need to go change your life and go a different way.”

I made that decision to start listening to that intuition, knowing, you just know, and you want to let everyone else know. If you’ll just give me a minute, you’ll see that what I have inside of me is true and it is correct and it is the path I’m supposed to be on. That’s what I clung to for the next five years as I made the leap, made the launch, and fired my job. I took in an investment, created this product, and brought it to market when I didn’t know what I was doing. When I started listening to myself and learning to tune out what others had to say, or that self-doubt that would creep in when something wasn’t happening either in the time it should have happened or the way I thought it was going to happen.

When I’ve learned to let go of all of those and sit back and just know and allow the surprises to come to me, that’s when things started happening at a very rapid pace. Now, I’ve learned to keep holding true to who this is and who I am because that voice is never wrong. That’s your spirit. That’s your spirit who knows the journey you’re supposed to be on.

I love it when you said you fired your job like that. I’m going to have to borrow that.

You can borrow that one.

Overcoming Challenges And Staying Grounded

You fired your job. I appreciate that. I know along this path, there were challenges. What challenges did you face when you first started trusting your intuition and how did you overcome them? I remember what you were saying, but people were giving you their opinions and telling you what you should do with your life and all of that. You know the challenges. Share with us. What were they right that you faced first, how did you start trusting, and how did you overcome all of this? How did you overcome those challenges?

I think the biggest challenge that I incurred was this journey took eight years. Along that eight-year journey, it was maybe you should just go get a job, or maybe not everyone likes your product as much as you think they do, or they think they will. I would experience a setback either in fundraising or I’d experience a setback in manufacturing the product itself. I would encounter these, stop being such creative, and start being more realistic. You need to be able to support your daughter.

I had a former friend say to me that she didn’t feel like I was making smart decisions when I was not taking care of my daughter, which trust me, she’s taken care of. It’s hard when you are trying to march to your drum and yet have all of these. When you have so much coming at you constantly, that does create the ego to start turning on because that’s where all the negative self-doubt comes from. It doesn’t come from here, it comes from here.

I think the biggest way of learning to overcome all of these was to start practicing mindfulness, gratefulness, gratitude, meditation, learning to tune out, and learning to not react when someone has something to say. Those were some key tools that I had to learn to incorporate into my life, spending quality time with myself. The beauty about when your intuition and your soul are connected and the way that level they are, the whole core of life is love.

You’re going to feel good. You’re going to feel happy. You’re going to feel right. I’ve had to learn that sometimes I would have to make people mad. I would have to make people upset. You’re not going to be loved by everyone. Sometimes those decisions and steps that you make may not be the right thing that you see right in front of you, but at the time, you know it’s going to be right.

At the end of the day, if it’s not right, and you start going down a dirt road, which I said I went down many and I did, guess what? You just pivot. I use this term incredibly lightly because it’s kind of morbid. I say to myself a lot, “Okay, but no one died.”. There’s no decision or path or whatever that you decide to make that’s ever going to stop you. Oftentimes, you weren’t given a handbook. Your intuition didn’t spit out a handbook and say, “This is the path that you’re supposed to go down. You’re going to do this next week, and then in six months you’re going to do this.”

At the end of the day, if it's not right, and you start going down a dirt road, just pivot. Share on X

That’s why life is the way that it is. That’s when you learn and pivot and grow and change and challenge and I wouldn’t have had a book to write if it hadn’t taken me eight years. I wouldn’t have had to find my own way and learn to trust my intuition. I was listening to what everybody else was telling me they thought I should be doing. That’s what led to so many dead ends and dirt roads. Now I’ve learned to not be emotional when it comes to decision-making. I’ve learned to be incredibly to sit on it for a minute and sit with myself to figure out if that’s the right one to make.

Thank you so much for that because in what you shared, you also shared some practical tips in what you did. You said it was mindfulness. I had to sit with myself. I had to block out what people were saying. I’m saying that to say for those who are tuning in right now, who may be struggling with doubt or overthinking. You shared some nice practical tips for them to start listening to their inner voice. I’m just being still. I love what you said, I just had to sit with myself, just with me.

Before that, you just blocked out and did not listen to the people, the naysayers who were coming against me or saying certain things. I had to stop and not listen to them. I appreciate that as you were sharing it, I started hearing the practical tips and I wanted to point them out to our audience who may be struggling. With that being said, can you share how you handle moments when external influences try to pull you off your path? You shared a couple of them. How do you handle that? How do you stay grounded in who you are?

I think the first practical is for those people that you allow their energy to come your way. Is it someone that belongs in your life? I had a friend who I had to wish well and go a separate way because the negativity, the feedback, and the toxicity were not good for me. It did cause me self-doubt and it did pull me off of who I am. I think that’s important to know the phrase they’re either here for a lifetime or here for a season. It’s true. You have to make sure you are surrounding yourself with people and individuals that are going to lift you up and help support your journey because it’s not their journey. It’s your journey.

That’s probably my biggest piece of advice as far as that’s concerned. The other one is you’re not going to be everyone’s friend. It’s okay to make someone mad or upset. It’s okay for them to not see your viewpoint or your intuition. It’s okay for them to not believe that what you’re doing is the right thing. I can remember last year, I took my big drink carrier out to Las Vegas because I wanted the hospitality world would like it versus the big heavy tray. They all loved it except I use Starbucks as my drink sample sizes.

The bigger drinks, these big drinks like the Stanley’s, won’t fit, but they all said, “Go change the inside to fit all drink sizes and we’ll buy them.” I was just starting my six-cup and I halted everything. I said, “We have to change the interior.” At the time, my partners did not think this was a good idea for me to go to Vegas. It wasn’t a good use of money. They didn’t want me to go. I didn’t result in any sales while I was out there. What it did a year and a half later was create a better version of my second product. I trusted my intuition. I knew I needed to go out there and I used my own credit cards for the trip because I knew I needed to go.

I think learning to be strong and hold true to the decisions that you’re making in life or the journey that you’re on in life. I think learning to trust it and the more you learn to trust it, the stronger it speaks to you. The bigger it gets, the easier it gets. When I have tough decisions to make or am anxious about something, I just go inward. I do a lot of praying, a lot of meditating, and a lot of journaling. If there’s something that’s not good in my life, I write out things about it and try to come up with a good solution.

You Are YOU, Unapologetically | Natalie Boyatt and Susan Widen | Intuition
Intuition: The more you learn to trust your intuition, the stronger it speaks to you.


You just gave more tips. I appreciate that so much. One of the things, as you were speaking, you said you’re going to have friends, but they’re not your friends and it’s okay. Everybody’s not going to like you. I wanted to reiterate that because I think that’s juicy. Meaning it’s so powerful. You also not only share some more tips, but you also help the audience get clear on how you stayed when someone tried to pull you off. Thank you so much for that. The personal example or story that you shared about Vegas, you knew within you. You had to be there and you had the naysayers, but you went.

Natalie’s Key Takeaway

The other thing that popped into my head is this, mistakes are going to happen. We have to embrace our mistakes. We have to embrace our failures because none of us are perfect at all. When we learned to do that, especially for me, I leaned into my mistakes and it helped me to pay more attention to my intuition as well. I thank you for that. In conclusion, let’s share. What is the one thing that you would like our audience to remember when it comes to connecting with their intuition?

I’ve got two things. I’ve touched on one already. The first is your result from trusting your intuition may not present itself instantaneously. It may not be necessarily a positive at the time result. Very much a reason why your intuition led you down a certain path and it may present itself six months down the road, a year down the road, two years down the road, or like me, eight years into a journey. I couldn’t understand why it was taking so long. It’s because I was supposed to write this book. Trusting your intuition is different from going down a path and it turns into a dead end.

That’s when you do need to pivot, but when you do something that doesn’t necessarily provide you the results that you were thinking, doesn’t mean that there’s not a bigger picture at play. That’s my first one. My second one, I think that’s very important is your intuition is so powerful. I’ll share this story with your viewers because I know she would be okay with me doing this. My now 16-year-old who was at the time 13 was a 10-year classically trained ballerina. She thought it was a great idea to Google how much a five-foot-five ballerina weighs and it came back at 100 pounds.

When you do something that doesn't necessarily provide you the expected results, it doesn't mean there isn't a bigger picture at play. Share on X

My intuition, as I started watching her losing weight, losing weight, losing weight, losing weight, I knew something was wrong. Sure enough, I couldn’t get her to the doctor fast enough. She did develop an eating disorder. My intuition was to do whatever I needed to do to help save her. We quit ballet the next day. By the next week, I had her in a three-month treatment facility. She cried and begged me the first day I picked her up. I thought I was messing up her life. She wanted to go back to school but my intuition said, “You’re doing the right thing.” I can say by the time she left and three months later, she was crying because she was leaving.

She wrote me a letter thanking me for saving her life. She started writing. She’s a beautiful writer. As a junior, she finished a four-week summer at USC’s writing program. That was all my intuition that said, “Yes, you are doing the right thing and something amazingly good is going to come from it.” That’s just a great example of how strong our intuition is as women, especially. We have such an amazing level of power and opportunity inside us. I’m grateful that I’ve learned to tap into it. Those are probably the two takeaways that I would have.

You Are YOU, Unapologetically | Natalie Boyatt and Susan Widen | Intuition
Intuition: Our intuition, especially as women, is so strong that we have such an amazing level of power and opportunity inside us.


You guys heard it. Thank you, Natalie. I cannot be in our segment without allowing you to share with our audience how to connect with you because of your story with your daughter, there may be others whose daughter is going through the same thing and they may want to connect with you for that.

I’m so glad that your intuition not only changed your life but saved your daughter’s life. Please take this time, to share with our listeners, tell them about your website, if you want to give them your email address. Even if you want to give them your number, it’s up to you. LinkedIn, your Facebook, and all of those platforms, whatever it is that you would like to share so that they can connect with you. Please feel free.

I’m so easy to find. My website is and you can find us on all the social platforms. You can find me personally on all the social platforms. My email is so simple. It’s just I’m here to help support, and encourage, and my wish is for everyone to find their journey and live their best life.

That is so amazing. There you have it, guys. Thank you, Natalie Boyatt. Thank you so much for being the gift that you are to this world and serving the world the way you do. I’m honored and was honored when I met you and was honored when we spent time together. When the thought came, “Let me ask her.” You said, “Yes.” I was elated because I knew who I met and you moved me then and I knew you would move my audience. I am so grateful. Thank you again for sharing your gifts and talents. We truly appreciate you.

Thank you.

You’re so welcome.

Breakthrough Moments

It was such an insightful conversation with Natalie. It’s always inspiring to hear how people find the courage to trust themselves even in the face of uncertainty. You can go wrong with trusting others. Once you lean into your intuition, you can’t go wrong with trusting yourself. Let’s do this. Let’s shift gears now because I want to introduce you to our next amazing guest. Let me tell you a little bit about her. I gave you a clue. It’s a her, it’s a female. Here we go.

Her journey is unique and she too has found incredible ways to tune into her inner guidance while overcoming obstacles. She is a finance and operations executive with over 30 years of entrepreneurial mindset, leadership, and strategic thinking. She serves as Prelude‘s chief financial officer. She is responsible for strategic planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the finance activities.

Her business perspective in combination with a demonstrated tactical ability develops strong working relationships, with Prelude clients, partners, and suppliers. Before joining Prelude, she led the finance and contract center operations team of a retail healthcare marketing company whose patent technology provided the first consumer promotion validation process using POS transaction data.

Customer service, and contact center experience were initially obtained through her role in the acquisition of a 30 million contact center. She actively participated in securing 27 million in funding and led the assimilation, structure, and processes of the finance, the accounting department of the acquisition, its subsidies, and partnerships. She also led the finance and human resource activities of a technology software development company and was instrumental in securing 15 million in funding.

Our guest earned a BS degree in accounting from the University of Delaware. Her passion for finance extends into her personal life where she serves on the board of a local nonprofit, volunteering her leadership and financial expertise. She is originally from Pennsylvania and relocated ten years ago to Sarasota, Florida to support and be closer to her parents. She also enjoys spending time with her two sons and two granddaughters in Pennsylvania and New York. Please help me to welcome Susan Widen to the show. Susan, welcome. We are so happy that you’re here.

Thank you, Kim.

You’re welcome. Isn’t she beautiful? I think so. Thank you so much, Susan. Susan brings a different yet equally powerful perspective on connecting with intuition and following her path. Susan, thank you so much for saying yes. Thank you for being here.

I couldn’t miss it for the world.

Thank you. Meeting people is my jam. I would love for you to share with our audience how you and I met.

We met about three weeks ago. There was a Women’s Capital Summit held in New York by the Women’s Business Collaborative. There was a break time when we were standing around and you walked up and we struck up a conversation and had the best time. We then had great experiences. We went out for dinner that night and we created the group Magic Five with three other amazing female executives. I’m just drawn to you. It was great karma meeting you, Kim.

It was phenomenal. I shared with you already about my sister who passed away, but guess what? This is how we know we connect. Susan shares the same birthday as my sister. It was like we were sister friends for the rest of our lives.

That’s true.

I introduced you guys to my new sister-friend, Susan Widen.

I will always be your sister friend.

I appreciate that so much. Let’s get started and jump into our discussion. We all are different in unique ways and each of us has lived and endured different aspects of life. We all know life is a journey and in life, we have breakdowns and breakthroughs. Can you share with our audience an experience where following your intuition led you to a breakthrough moment in your life?

There have been a number of them since my life’s a little longer than yours, but one that was probably the most, I don’t know how to describe it, it was with my mother. It was what brought me to Sarasota from Pennsylvania about ten years ago. I was very happy living in Pennsylvania. Through my daily conversations with my mother, I was getting this feeling that she needed me and I had been thinking of moving down there. It was very strange, Kim. All of a sudden I was like, “You know what? I can move.” Nothing is holding me back. I put my home on the market and sold it in three days.

Nothing was holding me back. I packed up my car and down to Florida I moved. Probably a month after I moved, she got very sick. She needed an advocate for her health. She did not have one. I pretty much spent the next year and a half in and out of emergency rooms with her, changing her doctors, and changing her medications. It was amazing to me when I look back on it how just going by that intuition, I needed to do it. It was so powerful that that’s what the result was. Thankfully, my mother, God bless her, is doing great. I still keep my eye on her, but all is well.

As you were sharing, I reflected on our conversation because we were talking about our mothers as well. I shared with our audience already, how my mother took ill as well, then being an advocate. We have to be their advocates in these situations to help them get the clarity that they need for their own health. I admired that in you as well because we both were on the same playing field of being an advocate for our mothers. I want to say yes to our intuition. That intuition of yours poked you on the side and you took action.

Navigating Societal Expectations

Sometimes society’s expectations can push us in directions that don’t feel right. How have you managed to navigate these pressures to stay true to yourself as you were speaking about what you had to do with your mom? I’m quite sure that the whole decision to go came with pressures, came with society’s expectations as well. How have you been able to manage and navigate those pressures or any that come as well to stay true to yourself?

Trial and error. Seriously, Kim, that’s pretty much it. At the very beginning of my career and my young life and all, I felt like I was letting that pressure change my behavior more. I learned through the course of the time to not listen to it as much. Listen to what makes you happy inside and what makes the people that you love and feel strongly for makes them happy and you’ll make the right decision. It’s pretty much that simple. Unfortunately, it’s sad to make some errors with trial and error.

I love trial and error. When you said that, I thought of mistakes. We run from our mistakes. We hide from our failures. We don’t want people to know but I believe that in our mistakes, in our trial and error, we learn from what occurred. I appreciate that so much. Because of your trials and errors, learning about yourself, and staying true to yourself, do you have any daily or regular practices that help you connect with your intuition?

I pretty much adopted this when I moved down here. Fortunately, I live ten minutes from the beach and I love being near water and having that openness. I walk the beach every morning for 4 miles and I don’t have earbuds in, I don’t listen to music. I pretty much walk and a lot of good thoughts come in during that timeframe. It’s about an hour and a half to two hours, but it’s amazing and I need it. When I’m not able to walk, I need it. That’s pretty much what I do personally to get that intuition, by walking the beach and listening to myself.

Nature plays a role in that. When you hear those waves crashing up against the shore, the rocks and then you’ll hear some seagulls flying or chirping and all of that plays a part because you’re definitely in nature. What I loved about what you said was listen to music and you don’t have earbuds in and you’re in nature. You’re consuming nature and you’re allowing nature to consume you as well. That brings so much peace and calm.

It’s therapeutic to me.

Very much so. As you were sharing, I saw you walking on the beach.

You can come down any time and visit.

Consider it done. I’m going to take you up on that. I’ll be ringing your doorbell and you’ll be like, “Who’s that?”

“Wait, it’s Dr. Kim.”

We talked about a daily practice. What role does self-empowerment play in being able to trust your gut and pursue your authentic path?

It’s critical. I’ve learned that through trial and error, but having that belief in yourself and belief in making the best decision based on what you know is so key. I believe in karma. I believe that everything happens for a reason. Even if it doesn’t seem like it’s turning out the way you want it to, when time goes on and you think back, it puts you on the right path. It puts you on the path that you were supposed to be. It’s a very critical thing to be self-empowered.

Final Takeaways

To wind up our conversation, what would be a takeaway? For example, for those struggling to make decisions or they’re unsure of what their path looks like, what is the one piece of advice that you would give them to start or to begin trusting themselves more?

About a year ago, a very dear friend of mine, a younger one that I met through family and business came to me, She’s mid in her career and she was in a tough situation with her environment. She called me and wanted to talk about where she was, what to do next, and any advice. I reassured her with my experience of knowing her for years, that I felt very confident in whatever decision she would make and that she would do well in any choice she made.

I think she needed a little more of that confidence. It felt like she needed to surround herself with people who would keep her grounded, keep her moving forward, and push her. It was interesting because that came about a little while ago. When you asked that question, I thought of that immediately.

What I hear you saying is for them to surround themselves with people who support them.

Absolutely. Positive people, good vibes good energy off, that is so key. That’s why you and I met.

You Are YOU, Unapologetically | Natalie Boyatt and Susan Widen | Intuition
Intuition: Positive people and good vibes are key.


That’s true. You have a vibe.

You have high positive energy for sure.

Thank you so much. I appreciate you. Thank you. What I want you to share now is how can our audience connect with you. You shared some juicy tidbits and if they feel a need to connect with you, feel free to provide if you have a website, or if you want them to connect with you through your email,r LinkedIn, or Facebook. It’s great. All the social media platforms, stuff like that. If you would like them to connect with you in any way, please feel free to at this moment share. How can they do that?

I am on LinkedIn and it’s Susan Widen on LinkedIn. Feel free to connect with me. If I can help anyone in any way, I’d love to. I keep my contacts open. If anyone has similar contacts or wants to get an introduction, I’ll be more than happy to do that as well. LinkedIn is probably the best way.

What a pleasure it is to have you on. Thank you. You made a difference just by sharing. That’s what I say to people. Sometimes we can share like we did, but then sometimes just your presence alone helps people. You can be in the room and you don’t have to say anything. You can just stand there and smile, and your smile will resonate with people who are in the room and touch them. I know someone has been touched. Someone has been healed. Someone has been inspired by your words as well as Natalie’s words of wisdom that you guys shared on this episode. I am truly honored and I’m grateful to have both of you on our show. Thank you so much.

Thank you. Nice to speak with you.

You are so welcome. What an incredible episode. Both of our guests shared so many pearls of wisdom about trusting yourself, connecting with your intuition, and unapologetically walking your path. It’s a reminder that we don’t need to have all the answers to fit into any mold. Sometimes the best thing we can do is trust ourselves and move forward in alignment with what feels right for us, what feels right for you, and what feels right for me.

Remember, connecting with your intuition is a practice, not a one-time thing. Take time to listen to yourself, pay attention to the signs, and don’t be afraid to follow a path that’s uniquely yours. If you enjoy this episode, I encourage you to share it with someone who could benefit from hearing this message. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to subscribe to YOU Unapologetically so you will never miss an episode.

With society’s rigid expectations and endless opinions, self-expression and self-appreciation can feel challenging and daunting. Most of the time, this pushes you to dumb down, hide who you are, and go with the flow. You are you unapologetically and it means being true to who you are, who you were created to be, and not allowing people’s opinions to affect how you show up in life.

People are going to talk. Let them talk. They’re going to talk about you. Let them talk. You have no time to be intimidated by the presence of others and think little of yourself. When you show up without pretense or hesitation, the world cannot dull your glamour. Most importantly, you will be inspired to shine your light, share it, and help others to tap into their own brilliance. Put it into the despairing mindset and begin to own your authentic self.

Join me here in a safe space where I initiate influential conversations about being you because you are you, unapologetically. No one is better at being you than you. Thank you so much for checking out this show, and staying here with us. We truly appreciate it. Thanks for your support. Please know we can’t do it without you. Thanks for tuning in. We appreciate it. Remember, keep trusting yourself and I’ll see you next time on the YAYU. Ciao ciao for now.


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About Natalie Boyatt

You Are YOU, Unapologetically | Natalie Boyatt and Susan Widen | IntuitionNatalie Boyatt is the creator and CEO of bevee, a premium drinkware brand. In 2015 as a single-mom needing to work to live, she took a job in the pharmaceutical sales industry. Two months on the job a 10-drink order for one of her offices would change her life forever. The hassle and waste associated with flimsy, cardboard drink carriers propelled her to find a better solution. When she couldn’t find one, she created one and so began the 8-year journey of product creation. The company officially launched in 2023 with the original 12-cup drink carrier that features 2 utility patents, can be carried with one-hand and folds for each storage. It is the only drink carrier that can be branded with custom logos.

Within three months of launching, Amazon Corporate approached Natalie to offer her an invitation-only, custom onboarding on their storefront. Just a month after launching, Amazon influencers began to organically find the product and within six months, bevee had racked up over 20 million views.<

The 6-cup is currently in production and set for a holiday 2024 release with a pre-sale campaign currently running. There are five additional products that will be slated on a revolving 6-month cycle.

Additionally, after spending countless time and money going down dirt roads, encountering some dead ends and discovering some incredible wins, Natalie decided to use all of this knowledge to help others have the know-how and courage to scale the product creation mountain. Her book, Pivot and Persevere, has launched on Amazon. It is a granular guidebook on product creation from dollar one.


About Susan Widen

You Are YOU, Unapologetically | Natalie Boyatt and Susan Widen | IntuitionSusan Widen is a Finance and Operations executive with over 30 years of entrepreneurial mindset, leadership, and strategic thinking. She serves as Prelude’s Chief Financial Officer. Susan is responsible for strategic planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the finance activities. Her business perspective in combination with a demonstrated tactical ability, develops strong working relationships with Prelude’s clients, partners, and suppliers.

Before joining Prelude, Susan led the finance and contact center operations teams of a retail healthcare marketing company whose patented technology provided the first consumer promotion validation process using POS transaction data. Her customer service / contact center experience was initially obtained through her role in the acquisition of a $30 million contact center. Susan actively participated in securing $27 million in funding and led the assimilation, structure and processes of the finance and accounting departments of the acquisition, its subsidiaries, and partnerships. Susan also led the finance and human resources activities of a technology / software development company and was instrumental in securing $15 million in its funding.

Susan earned a B.S degree in Accounting from the University of Delaware. Her passion for finance extends into her personal life where she serves on the board of a local non-profit volunteering her leadership and financial expertise.

Susan is originally from PA and relocated 10 years ago to Sarasota, Florida to support and be closer to her parents. Susan also enjoys spending time with her two sons and two granddaughters in PA and NY.

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