How Trusting God Can Keep Your Integrity With Jorge Cruz

YAYU 20 | Trusting God


Going even deeper into the topic of personal integrity vs. personal appetite, Dr. Kim Grimes brings the conversation to the power of trusting God. She chats with Jorge Cruz, Founder and Owner of Marketing Innovation Group, to share his story of being a dreamer who sacrificed so much just to become a winner. Jorge tells how he moved from Puerto Rico to Orlando to do what he truly loves despite the hard opposition from the people around him – even his own family. He explains how he proved his naysayers wrong by staying true to his integrity and avoiding becoming blind to his appetites. Jorge talks about keeping a strong relationship with God, allowing him to achieve his own idea of success and provide for the people he loves.

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How Trusting God Can Keep Your Integrity With Jorge Cruz

Here, we empower people to uncover their greatness, find their true identity, and own who they were created to be. By revealing and understanding your greatness, we’re convinced that you will fall madly in love with who you are. Our last several guests were magnificent. Honestly, they were phenomenal. They came and provided nuggets and scrumptious tidbits of knowledge. I want to have a quick shout-out of gratitude for all of our past guests thus far. We want you to know that if you want to be a guest, you know how to reach out to me. There’s no secret. Let’s make it happen.

We are still talking about your integrity or appetite. By now, our readers know how we do this. Instead of bringing in multiple guests to discuss multiple topics, we like to bring in multiple guests to discuss the same topic, rendering a different perspective to our readers because we all are different. For our new readers, that is why we are still talking about your integrity or appetite.

In the post-COVID era, can we all agree that we are witnessing so much dishonesty, untruthfulness, an increase in violence, and more? All we have to do is turn on the news. If you have not been in the loop, that’s your way of finding out. For those who have, there are increases there. You can’t miss it. This is why we are continuing our discussion on personal integrity. Our readers know about the phrase, structural integrity, but for our new readers, we stated before that structural integrity is a building science phrase.

The technical definition of structural integrity is the ability of a structure to withstand its intended load without failing due to fracture or fatigue. Unfortunately, we all had seen a structural integrity failure at the Surfside Condominium in Miami. We witnessed what happened when a structure is fatigued and not able to bear the load. We’re not discussing that incident or the topic of structural integrity. Instead, we’re having a conversation about personal integrity because they both yield the same results when under pressure.

As human beings, we are quick to excuse our personal lack of integrity. Think about it. How often are we not honest with ourselves? We might be okay with telling a small lie or bending the truth to ourselves, but we’re quick to excuse the breach of integrity in others, especially of our loved ones, friends, and leaders.

The question we want to ask is this, “What is integrity? Do you have it? If not, what’s guiding you? Is it your integrity or appetite?” We have defined integrity. We got a couple of them I want to share with you. Integrity is the resolve and the courage to do the right and noble thing just because it’s the right and noble thing. Integrity is the will and courage to do the right thing because it’s the right and noble thing, regardless of the consequences

Integrity is a universal, inescapable expectation that assumes and ought to be. Let me throw in a little bit of Scripture. In the book of Proverbs 11:3, I’m coming from the New American Standard Bible. It says, “The integrity of the upright will guide them, but the crookedness of the treacherous will destroy them.” That’s coming from Scripture.

We know we ought to do right. When we don’t, what we do will eventually destroy us. Just like structural integrity, the failure of your personal integrity impacts other people, especially those around you. Even more so, it impacts those who are the closest to you. Does your integrity guide you? Here’s the challenge. Here’s how you know. We don’t know if integrity guides us until maintaining our integrity costs us. It’s going to cost you something. We know it’s okay to make mistakes and to fail.

Failure is a part of success. What is not okay is to cover up things that are wrong, act as if they didn’t happen, or lie about it. Your integrity is more important than your infallibility. The respect of others is contingent on your integrity and not your failures, mistakes, or coverups. The crookedness of the lack of your integrity will destroy you and the people around you as well. Back to the question, “What’s guiding you?” We’ve said, “The lack of integrity is personal, but it’s not private.” Why? Because it impacts the people that are around you.

Why is maintaining integrity so hard? I have the answer to that question. It’s called our appetites. Because of our appetites, we always want more. We want more stuff, money, food, sex, attention responsibility, and more of more. Our appetites pose a constant threat to our integrity every day. Why? It’s because we want more. We have to say no to one in order to protect or satisfy the other. In order to satisfy our appetite, this is a constant tension. We will live with every single day at multiple levels. Have to say no to our appetite to protect our integrity or we will say no to our integrity to fulfill our appetites.

Here’s the thing. We can’t have both. That’s why we’re here and we’re still talking about it. You guys know that instead of us having a large number of guests speaking on different topics, we do a series. We have several guests who spoke about this topic. Why? It’s because we all are different. We want different perspectives so that we can reach a larger diversity of readers, people who don’t look or sound like me. We want different perspectives.

In this episode, we have a different guest. I want you to know that he’s eye candy as well. With that being said, he’s different from the last and previous guests. Before I introduce him, please give me an opportunity to tell you about how amazing he is. Jorge Alberto Cruz is a passionate marketer with many years of experience in traditional and digital marketing. He is the Founder and Owner of Marketing Innovations Group. He is also a speaker, coach, and book co-author.

Jorge is an enthusiastic entrepreneur that is passionate about marketing psychology. Focused on leveraging thousands of dollars, multiple years in education, and helping other entrepreneurs reach their marketing goals, he has helped hundreds of local and international companies like The Orlando Magic, The NBA, Texaco, Gulf, Gatorade, The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Prospera, The Center for Micro-Entrepreneurial Training, multiple physicians practices, and other entrepreneurs. He’s helped them to grow their businesses and multiply their sales.

For the last many years, Jorge has been focused on helping doctors and medical office offices develop their reputation online, speaking at seminars, and coaching business owners to innovate and squeeze the juice out of the internet. Jorge is a Hispanic leader and is very proud of being a Puerto Rican. His life is focused on his family, his beautiful wife, and their four children and marketing the word of the most important client he has ever had, who is his boss. His name is God, the Heavenly Father above. You all know him. Everybody has different names for Him, but that’s who Jorge focuses on. Please help me to welcome my friend, my Latino brother from another mother, Jorge Cruz. It is good to see you.

This is the most energetic and positive introduction I have ever received in my life. Thank you.

Thank you so much for saying yes. I truly appreciate it. Before we jump into our discussion, which is juicy, please share with our readers how we meet, how we come together, and what connects us together.

Both of us are part of an interesting and amazing mastermind with our mentor, Dennis Yu. It’s been a big blessing for both of us of being part of this group because this is another level of knowledge that we get together. I miss a year when we meet every week. It’s part of my life now. Some days you cannot make it or I cannot make it, but every time I see you on the call, it’s like I already received that energy from you far away from your smile. I am happy when I jump and you are on the call. You bring that energy to the mastermind. I love to see you every time.

Thank you so much. I’m humbled. We do share a mastermind that we get on a weekly basis. This is how I met him. We had a session. We’re paying attention, but for some reason, I said, “Let me chat with Jorge and see if he wants to be my guest.” It wasn’t a call. We chatted on the mastermind and Jorge said yes to be my guest. I was excited because I want to reach as many different cultures as possible. I want your perspective as a Latino, that I’m not, so you can speak to all of those who are out there.

When we talk about your appetite and integrity, I want to get it from your perspective so that they, too, can learn from you. Before jumping into the actual discussion that we’re going to have, I want to welcome you to the show where want you to show up and be you. You owe no one an apology whatsoever just to show up with your gifts, and talents and to serve. It’s simple and easy as that. What does it mean to be you, Jorge, unapologetically?

To be honest with you, it is a new word in my dictionary. I need to be very honest and say to everybody that I need to look before. When you invited me and you talk about unapologetic, I will say, “Let me first try to spell it. I need to learn how to say it first.”

It’s a long word and has got a lot of letters.

It’s a word that I need to practice saying. However, for me, it means learning on trusting more in myself and what talents God gave me. I am still learning about being less sorry for things that I haven’t done wrong. For example, my Spanglish. All the time I excuse myself for my Spanglish, at the end, I say, “This is me. I’m blessed that at least I am fighting with my English. I’m fighting to learn more.” Sometimes I become too sorry for that. I need to learn.

I am focused on my life to please God. My main thing is to please God in whatever I’m doing. If I need to do something that I’m going to please God and make somebody mad about that, I don’t care because in the end, who I need to put all the attention to please is Him. It’s not anybody else. I believe that for me, unapologetic is to keep very strong on my beliefs and the mission that God pulled me on this earth.

Always do something that will please God, even if you make somebody mad about it. It is all about putting your attention to Him and not anybody else. Share on X

You’re on point when you say just being you, and that’s it. It doesn’t require a lot. We make it hard for ourselves to be ourselves because we’re busy trying to please other people. When we focus on that one thing and be pleasing to our God, the rest is easy because He’s not demanding a lot of us. We even make that hard. For you to share where you are in that space, that’s exactly what we’re talking about on this show about You Are YOU, Unapologetically, the YAYU. That’s what it’s all about.

It’s being happy with who you are, but also, still working on it because we’re always learning. That’s what I loved about your answer. It’s learning about you and who you are because we’re evolving. We’re talking about your integrity or appetite. Share with us incidents or situations that have caused you to choose your appetite over your integrity or your integrity over your appetite.

I am a passionate person. For whatever idea I have in my head, I jump on it with all my heart and strength. I don’t take it softly. I take it strong. For example, many years ago, when I decide to move to Orlando from Puerto Rico, everybody was thinking that I was crazy. My family, friends, and all the people say, “I see you back in two weeks. I see you back in a month. Are you crazy? How are you going to leave?” Everybody was complaining and saying everything and that I would not able to make it. I don’t speak the language the right way and, “You don’t have a job over there. You’re a dreamer.”

For me, it was like a push. It was a motivation. What I wanted at that moment was my appetite to give my family what they deserve. At that moment, I have three babies and my wife was pregnant for my son. I said, “I need to move from here because, in Puerto Rico, people don’t understand my language.” I was moving from traditional marketing. People in Puerto Rico at that moment were doing more pages, other radio, and stuff. I was into social media or internet stuff, and nobody was listening to me. I say, “I need to look for someplace who will pay attention to my message.”

At that moment, for me, I will have the appetite to do it. I came with just $100. I left my wife at home with my three babies and was pregnant. She was the first one that was like, “If you leave this home, you don’t come back.” I said, “I have to do my work. My appetite was to do what I was feeling I needed to do.” At that moment, integrity for me was to be a provider for my family. I was a dad. I’m like, “I need to do something.” I live in Orlando for six months alone. God provided me with little things here and there, so I was able to make some money to keep surviving.

I worked in a hotel. They call it bellman. I did that for $2.50 and tips. That was the only thing I found. The thing is that my appetite was to make it happen. God gave me the blessing of finding ways of doing it, having everybody pointing at me, “You are so abusive with your family. You left your family.” It was like a strong moment for me. I say, “God, You know that I need to do this for my family. You know why I’m here. You need to find a way to help me because I cannot go back saying, ‘I’m sorry. I was a dreamer. You’re right.’ I came here with a purpose and You are going to help me make it happen.”

We are like tough friends talking about that way. We had that conversation and He did it miraculously because if I go back, it’s impossible how I was able to do that. God provided me to make the money to save enough to buy the tickets. On December 24th, I went back to Puerto Rico. I surprised my family. I was there and I say, “I’m coming back, but you guys are going with me. I have the tickets. You’re going back with me.” That’s how everything happened. From there, my wife forgot everything she said to me because she was mad, “I don’t want to see you anymore.” She saw that I was talking seriously. I was saying, “I came back to take all of you with me.” We came back with no money. It was a more difficult moment. However, God never left me alone.

He says He never leaves you nor forsakes you.

Something happened the next day and the next week. We keep living and breathing. Thanks to God now that my appetite was strong that my family is blessed. We never went back to Puerto Rico. It’s been many years since we moved to Orlando. We have been blessed to have our business and our agency helping more people than ever, this beautiful office that you see here. God never let me go down. It was a piece of the appetite that I have. My secret was all the time being close to God because I know that by myself, I was not going to be able to make it. Being close to Him as close I was to Him, I feel strong to continue and make it happen.

The secret to going through challenging times is to be close to God. You will not make it all by yourself. Share on X

Your story sounds amazing. You were up against a lot of naysayers who didn’t believe in you, and you had a dream. Your appetite was to fulfill that dream. I love the spin that you’re putting on it because sometimes we can think of appetite being a bad thing and it’s not all the time. You wanted more for your family. You weren’t willing to jeopardize your integrity, but you were willing to step outside of your comfort zone to go and do the things that you needed to do even against the naysayers. What you had was your best client on your side who was your boss who was there.

I love the conversation that you shared about how you were talking to Him because I too tend to find myself having the conversation. I give Him that, “Here’s where I need You to help assist it. Help me out because I don’t know, but You know everything because You are an amazing God.” I love that part when you share that and how now you have been here for many years and you’re doing phenomenal.

I didn’t do this by myself. I had help all along the way and He made it happen. Your integrity stayed intact because you went back with tickets in hand and you’re like, “You’re all coming with me, bottom line.” That right there takes courage regardless of the consequences. You were like, “This is my wife. These are my children. They belong with me. I’m going to get them. Here are the tickets. We are going back. Come on. Merry Christmas. Let’s go.”

It was like, “This is my gift for all of you. This is the gift of Christmas. We’re going altogether. I’m not going to be alone anymore.”

You wanted more for your family. You had that appetite, and that’s what drove you. That’s what made you say, “I have to leave Puerto Rico. I’m going to Orlando because my family deserves more. I’m going to sacrifice, go, and make this happen.” The fact of the matter is the integrity that you have that says, “This is my wife. These are my children. They belong to me. I belong to them. I need to provide them,” that’s what kept you.

Some of the naysayers would have said to you and probably said to you, “You know you’re out of integrity because you’re not taking care of your family. You’re leaving your family. You’re doing this to your family.” You shared some of the things that they were saying to you. How did that impact you? How did that make you feel when they said what they were saying?

I am an emotional person. That’s either good or bad.

Some people may want to think it’s a bad thing, especially for men, but I believe it’s a good thing.

Thank you for saying that, but when I say bad, it’s in terms of it’s taught me a lot. Anytime I’m receiving a phone call from somebody in the family, on this side of me, I’m like, “I’m going to hustle, move, find somebody, find a client, and do something now.” I was doing so much craziness. I came here. I have no car. A friend that I knew for years let me borrow a pickup from the ‘70s. It’s an old pickup. The tires are out and the muffler sounds bad. I was wearing my dress. In meetings, it would sound bad. It was crazy.

They heard you coming?

They knew I was coming. At that time, I was hiding from my reality. Anytime they invite me to see a client or prospect, I parked the car in other places around there and I walk two blocks. I came walking so nobody would see where I’m coming. I was doing all this effort and I was like, “I’m going to make it.” I was positive, but then I received a phone call from a family member saying, “How can you do this? How can you leave your wife and kids?” That’s why the emotional part keeps me down.

I was energized. I going to make it. I was tight with God. I was praying more than ever, because I was like, “I cannot do this by myself. I need You to help me. This is serious.” I was on that challenge. I was positive. When I receive a phone call, they dragged me a lot. My family didn’t know how much they hurt me. It came to a point where I started avoiding phone calls. I have no choice because I knew that when they call me, they will drag me down. I said, “I don’t care whatever you say. I am here for a mission, with a purpose and I am going to make it.”

YAYU 20 | Trusting God
Trusting God: Whatever other people may say about you, focus on your mission. Embrace your purpose and you will make it.


I was feeling embarrassed about the car I was driving because it was unreal and all these people that I was hanging around have Mercedes and BMWs. All these people wear blue jackets. I was dealing with people at the Hispanic Chamber, Disney, the airport, or from this park. For me, it was tough. It dragged me a lot until I say, “I cannot take any phone calls because it is hurting me a lot,” and it stopped me from moving forward.

What I understood about your story and what you’re sharing is that you had an appetite that was a drive to provide a better living, home, and everything for your family. It required you to make a huge sacrifice that some of your family members would not and will not do. I’m not judging them or anything like that. You had to step outside of the box or your comfort zone so that you can do these things, but in your head, you were not out of integrity.

Although everyone who was calling you was telling you that you were. You were steadfast. You maintained and stuck to your values and belief, and you said, “I do have an appetite to do more, but to provide more to my family than I can where I was.” That’s what you did.  The sweet part of you maintaining and staying in your integrity is when you went back. Here’s the thing. You went back to a family who believed you were out of integrity, but you showing up showed them that, “I’m not out of integrity. I never was, but in case you thought I was, I’m back to restore my integrity, just in case you get it twisted,” and go from there.

As you were sharing about the family members calling you, once you recognized that that was bringing you down, you made that decision of, “I’m not going to receive these calls anymore. I’ll let it go to voicemail. I’ll call them another day.” What I also understood is that the more that they discredit you or didn’t believe in you, it drove you, even more, to want to succeed and it drove you closer to God because it put you in a position that you couldn’t depend on anyone else, but Him.

What I love about it is your communication with Him, how you spoke to Him as if He was a person standing right there next to you and you were like, “Here’s what I need from You. I need You to come through because I need to do X, Y, Z, A, B, C, L, M, N, O, P.” You’re here sharing how He never left you or forsaken you. He was there the entire time. Your story is not only about your family, but it’s about the relationship as well that you built with God so that you could maintain your integrity. The appetite that you had is an appetite that wanted to provide more for your family.

I learned so much from that because, for me, it was an experience where I understood and learned how to trust God. As a person that loves to go to church and be active in a church that’s my community, I was not trusting God. I started trusting him when I was down and I had no money to pay the house for the electricity, food, or anything, not even for gas. In that situation, I found $100. I moved to another state and live in another country and leave my family. It sounds crazy.

Sometimes when they say that to me, to be honest, I feel that I was crazy, irresponsible, and have no integrity. Sometimes I feel like, “Why are you like that?” Those are the moments where it needs to happen for God to tell me, “Let’s keep going,” because, in the end, the most meaningful part is that I learned that God is in control all the time. You can say that, but if you don’t live it, it is different.

YAYU 20 | Trusting God
Trusting God: In times when you are lacking integrity, God tells you to keep on going. He is under control all the time.


I’m loving this so much because what you’re speaking about is something that’s dear to me, and that is learning what trusting God looks like for Jorge. You can describe it. You can put color and scent to it. You can tell people how tall, wide, or short it is. You can give a recipe for trusting God. What you were saying is that there was a time that you were going to church, but that was a lot of lip service. It was just, “I trust God.” A pat answer maybe, “How do you trust God?” Somebody may say, “With all my heart.” It’s like, “What does that look like? I need 1 and 2. Give me the ingredients. Tell me what that looked like.”

I love that because, over the last years, that’s what I have been doing, learning what that looks like for me. When doubt comes in, similar to your doubt, you could put name names on because they are your family. We love them because they are family. We don’t get to choose our family. You love them anyway. When doubt comes in and I decide to have a conversation with doubt, then what I have to do is recognize, “I’m not talking you to you, Doubt. Let me have a conversation with God and tell God, ‘This is what I know. I know this because this is what You said to me. Here are Your promises, and I’m going to stand on Your promises. Let me reiterate Your promises. Let me read them back out to You.’”

That, to me, is trusting God. That’s something that I do in trusting Him. It’s not about reminding Him. It’s saying, “I know this because I’m in a relationship with You and this is what You said. When I say I’m trusting You, I’m going to read what You said to me. When doubt shows up, I’m reading that.” I’m glad that you said that because it speaks to something that I’m having a conversation with people about as well. That is, “What does trust look like? What does trusting God look like?” That’s going to be another series. You’re coming back to that one.

Thank you so much for sharing that. I appreciate it. Let’s talk about advice. Now that you’re where you are, it was a journey. You learned from that journey. God was glorified and still is, what advice would you give someone who is still trying to find themselves or maintain their integrity? How can you help them to be truthful with themselves?

I will say to you and to anybody that is reading, in the end, you need to listen to your gut feeling or your intuition. God is giving each one of us a different purpose in life. I could be bad at many other things in my life and for other things that I will never be good at. I will never be a good singer even when I love singing. I love salsa. It’s on my vlog. God made each one of us with different talents and skills. As you put yourself in a position where you listen to yourself and you put that in front of God like, “Tell me, is this where You want me? Where do You need me?” we are expecting that God’s going to call us on the phone. He will never call you on the phone.

He will tell somebody to tell you how good you are on this or that, or how bad you are on this or that. God is going to talk to you in person. You’ve seen other people. People will tell you where you’re good or bad. As you enjoy something more and more, just go for it and don’t stop. I learned this from one of my mentors. If whatever you’re doing is good for you, for others, and for everybody, do it. If you are doing something that you will enjoy the most but you’re going to be hurting other people’s lives, there’s no way. Even if you have a talent to kill people with a gun, and you’re good at shooting, that’s no good.

“I have the talent to shoot straight to the point of target.” That’s awesome. Become a police or something, but don’t become a drug dealer. Whatever you’re feeling that you have the talent that God gave you, God has a purpose for that talent that God gave you. If that talent that God gave you is going to be good for you, for others, and for everybody, go for it. God is going to support you, even when you think is impossible. For me, it was impossible. If I go back, I won’t even have an idea how I did it.

It’s because you didn’t do it. God did it.

If I tried to go back, I said to my wife, “How did we pay for the house?” I was dealing with people where the electricity truck come to see my home. They come and I negotiate with them and say, “Let me give something. Please come back later. Believe me. I’m going to find you some money to give you something, but don’t come here. I have kids here at my house.” I was dealing with these people. I was able to convince them to go out and I said, “God, what am I going to do now? Help me find something to get the money.” Somebody called me, “Are you available to do this for me? I need something.” I said, “I will go right now.”

I will go and look for the money. When the electricity truck comes back, I say, “Here’s your money.” In that situation is where you pour your trust into the fire. That is when you prove to yourself that you trust God or you don’t trust Him because it’s not going to be easy. The thing is if you have something in your heart and you want to do something, don’t allow anybody to stop your dreams. If there are no dreams, then it’s boring. You need to trust and do it. God will never let you down. The problem is that when we are getting close to the line, we say, “I quit.” You quit on the line.

You are going to make it, but you need a little bit more trust that you will make it. I’m hopeful in God to some people that are reading this interview. At this moment, if you are struggling with some situation like this and you’re like, “I am dreaming too far. I am dreaming too high.” If you are dreaming that big, it is because God knows that you can make it. If you’re dreaming that big, continue fighting, working, and hustling your life. Whatever is required, God is going to help you make it.

I am grateful that you said and that you shared. Thank you. I want you to share how can our readers get in contact with you. How can they reach you if they want to? You’re doing amazing things for people, particularly with physicians, and helping them to get out there even more about their businesses and entrepreneurs.

You are impacting lives and changing people’s futures. How can they get in contact with you? Please share. After you share that, I would love for you to give some closing remarks, something that our readers can take with them. What can they take a scrumptious tidbit or a juicy piece of knowledge that you can share with them so that they know that this came from Jorge?

I am helping many doctors to take advantage of the internet. However, whenever you are helping other people to achieve something, you get stuck on doing your own thing. I am a little bit more active on social media. You can find me by @JorgeCruzMarketingCoach because I am mainly helping doctors on one side with my agency, maybe helping functional medicine doctors who are helping the community on the preventative, finding the roots of the problems. I am not trying to help doctors that are giving you medicine. I’m trying to help doctors that will help you to avoid the need to need medicines.

Is that holistic?

It’s about the same. They make it more spiritual and stuff. They go to another planet. The main people I’m helping are doctors because they didn’t have what universities don’t teach. Real health is the health that God provides. It is natural health from other stuff. You don’t need or have to live with cancer. You need to live with diabetes or none of that stuff.

We live that way because the system has been well together with the food, health, and pharmaceutical industries, and altogether they are making a lot of money from us. We are sick without being because God gave us everything we need to be healthy. I’m trying to spread the word because I’m helping a doctor to have more patients, I am helping the community to be healthier, to have a community that has the real truth about health.

YAYU 20 | Trusting God
Trusting God: You don’t need to live with cancer or diabetes. You only live that way because the food, health, and pharmaceutical industries all together are making a lot of money from you.


If anybody would like to find me, you can look for Jorge Cruz Marketing Coach. If you go directly to talk to me and you would like to spend some time, I’m coaching mainly Hispanic entrepreneurs, but I also have a group of people that are okay with my Spanglish. I would love to coach you on how you can leverage your internet, so you can put any money that you put on the internet. Any money, effort, or time you put on the internet, you monetize it.

In the end, you don’t want to be on social media dancing and just having fun. You can make a lot of money from social media if you do it right. For those of you that have a business that would like to have coaching with me, you can go to and you will find an opportunity for me to take my calendar time and we can speak for free. I will give you some guidance for free, no matter what. I will do that.

The final tip I will say is that you need to trust yourself. Don’t let anybody stop your dream because, in the end, you have a mission here. It will be much better for you to say, “I try it. It didn’t work,” than, “I never tried it. Who knows where I was right now if I even try it?” Don’t ever let anybody or even your negative mind tell you, “You cannot do it because of bad things. I don’t speak English perfectly. I am tall. I am fat. I am whatever.”

If you have a passion or dream in your heart, soul, or body, don't let anybody stop you from chasing them. Without dreams, life would be boring. Share on X

There’s nothing that will stop you If you have a dream. Just go for it. Trust God. I promise you that He will talk to you. He will use other people. You will notice when He sends somebody to help you when you are in the last minute where you’re saying, “I’m going to quit.” Don’t quit. That’s the most important moment for you to see their blessing.

Thank you so much. We don’t want regrets. Do it. Don’t let anyone steal or block your dreams. Thank you for saying yes to the show. You are amazing. We will bring you back because of the conversation we had about trusting God. We need to dive in deeper. There are many people who don’t know what that looks like and there are so many people who are given lip service.

As you were sharing about your leaving your family to go and do what God told you to do, I thought of Abram. That’s who he was initially, then once he was blessed, his name became Abraham, the father of many. That’s what your story helped me to think of. Think about it. He was directed to leave his people and go. They didn’t have phones. Imagine the naysayers and what they were saying when he left.

Thank you for coming on, sharing, and helping me to be reminded of the story of Abraham because that’s what I think of your story and what the journey was like when you decided to take $100, leave Puerto Rico, and come to Orlando. Many years later, you’re still there, making an impact, changing lives, and being who God created you to be because you are you unapologetically.

I want to say something important to close this. Not only did these situations help me to trust more God, but they also helped me to be able to handle a stronger situation that happened after that one. That was strong, but after that one, I almost died in an accident. Because of those situations that happened to me, I was able to handle that. There are a few others, but that one where I almost die, I feel I was dying and I went out of this world for a few seconds. I was out.

The situation that I had before gave me the strength to do it. The final thing that I will show you next time is that I also talk to God. He says something to me. That one was clear to me. It was Him talking to me in my ears. I said, “Thank You for all these testings I have because they made me stronger, and trust You more.” I listened to that voice. He said, “I will never test you. I train you.” Everything makes sense now for me. He trained me to be ready for the next one.

We take it on as a test, but He’s like, “It’s not a test. I’m just preparing you.”

He doesn’t need to test me. He built and created me. He knows how bad I am and how good I am on other stuff. He doesn’t need to test us. He is training us for the next challenge because we are going to have challenges until we die. It is going to happen. It is how you handle the challenge. The difference is the only thing.

God doesn't need to test us. He is only training us for the next challenge. Share on X

That’s a perfect closing. Thank you so much. Like you, I believe that He uses people, things, and animals, and He can talk directly to us as well. That right there is perfect. You are amazing. I am grateful and I’m humbled. Thank you for saying yes to being on my show. I appreciate you.

Thank you for inviting me. God wants us to have this conversation, for us to share something with the world because it’s our responsibility to share it with others. To all right now struggling, know that God will never let you down. You need to keep going.

He will never leave you nor forsake you. That’s my guest, Jorge Cruz. Thank you. You are amazing. We exist because we know it’s easy to lose yourself in nowadays’ clashing ideas. In conflicting beliefs and the flood of information that we get day in and day out, we get lost in all of that. No ifs, ands, and buts about it. With society’s rigid expectations of endless opinions, self-expression, and self-appreciation, it feels challenging and daunting. We get anxious and feel overwhelmed. It pushes us to dumb down, not to be ourselves, not to be in our reality like Jorge said, not living his reality, and not allowing us to be ourselves.

instead, we’re hiding from who we are, and we just go with the flow. We just let it go. Imagine if Jorge would’ve listened to the naysayers and not left Puerto Rico. That’s why YAYU is here. That’s why you are you, unapologetically. That’s why this show exists. We’re here to put an end to this despairing mindset and to empower each one of you to begin to own your authentic self. Join me here where I get to initiate influential conversations with influential people about you being you because here’s what I know, you are you unapologetically. You owe no one an apology for being you because no one is better at being you than you. See you next time. Take care.


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About Jorge Cruz

YAYU 20 | Trusting GodJorge Alberto Cruz is a passionate marketer with over 20 years of experience in traditional and digital marketing. Founder & owner of Marketing Innovations Group. It’s also a speaker, coach and book co-author.

Jorge is an enthusiastic entrepreneur that is passionate about marketing psychology. Focused on leveraging thousands of dollars & multiple years in education on helping other entrepreneurs reach their marketing goals.

Jorge has helped hundreds of local & international companies like The Orlando Magic, The NBA, Texaco, Gulf, Gatorade, The Hispanic Chamber Of Commerce, Prospera, The Center for Micro-Entrepreneurial Training, multiple physician practices and other entrepreneurs grow their businesses and multiply their sales.

For the last 10 years, Jorge has been focused on helping doctors and medical offices develop their reputation online, speaking at seminars and coaching business owners to innovate & squeeze the juice out of the Internet.

Jorge is a Hispanic leader and very proud of being Puerto Rican. He lives focused on his wife, four kids and marketing the word of his most important client/boss: GOD.

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