Are You Clear that the thief steals from you? It happens right under your nose…and before you can blink or bat an eye. Like I said, the thief never STOPS! If you are not CLEAR, I understand because… the thief steals our clarity of God as well! Know this
Are You Clear that the thief steals from you? It happens right under your nose…and before you can blink or bat an eye.
Like I said, the thief never STOPS!
If you are not CLEAR, I understand because…
the thief steals our clarity of God as well!
Know this…
without CLARITY, you are Confused!
He makes us believe that forgiveness is an ongoing process; that God is continually cleansing and forgiving us.
The enemy also wants us to believe that there is a parallel notion that there are two sets of record books;
a heavenly bookkeeping, according to the work of Christ and earthly bookkeeping, in which sins have not yet been dealt with. This breeds an infatuation with sin scaring us from the work of GRACE.
It makes us doubt that our forgiveness under God’s new way, the New Covenant.
Under the New Covenant, our forgiveness is not only real it is actual.
The thief steals our clarity in making us believe that the blood of Christ, under the New Covenant, is the same as the blood of animals under the old covenant.
The thief does not want us to realize that the blood of Jesus takes away our sins. The blood of animals only covered our sins…
so he steals our clarity and makes us think that the blood of Christ only cover our sins.
As believers we must realize that our sins are completely
removed. We need not to have any consciousness of our sins because of the blood of Jesus.
We must know and take hold of the onetime removal of our sins, as well as the truth that God remembers our sins no more.
God sees us as righteous!
And that the Holy Spirit living within us testifies concerning the sufficiency of the blood of Christ.
When we grasp this we will look outside of ourselves towards others and begin to truly love.
1 Corinthians 13:4-7 (NLT) says, Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.
It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.
It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.
Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
And verse 13 says, three things will last forever— faith, hope, and love— and the greatest of these is love.
Are you CLEAR? There’s more to come!